
ERC SEGUE Team at the eX Modelo Workshop in the Paris, France 2023
SEGUE @ ODISSEI Conference for Social Science in the Netherlands 2023 On November 13th and 14th, 2023, our team member, Bayi Li, p...

ERC SEGUE Team at the ODISSEI Conference for Social Science in the Netherlands 2023
SEGUE @ ODISSEI Conference for Social Science in the Netherlands 2023 This November, two of our members took part in the ODISSEI C...

ERC Segue team at ECTQG 2023 in Braga
SEGUE @ European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography 2023 ECTQG’23 will take place in Braga (Portugal) between 14...

Reporting on the event dedicated to synthetic data at CBS
Symposium Synthetische Data Synthetic data simulate the joint characteristics of the relationships between people and objects (e.g...